How long can I receive the items I ordered?
We need 2 to 3 business days to process the order. And usually, the shipping time takes 5 to 7 business days. The shipping may be delayed for some objective or uncontrolled reasons. We will notify our customers ahead of delays.
How is the freight calculated?
Address | Order Total | Shipping Rate |
UK & EU | Under €99 | €4.99 |
Over €99 | FREE | |
US & CA & AU | Under €99 | €9.99 |
Over €99 | FREE | |
Mexico & Russia | Under €99 | €9.99 |
Over €99 | FREE | |
Rest of World | / | €49.99 |
Where does Sumarpo ship to?
We ship to all European countries and 50 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., U.S. territories, and APO/FPO addresses.
We ship to most countries around the world.
We will not ship to countries subject to embargoes or restrictions imposed by the United States government.
Sales & Use Tax
1.What is Sales & Use Tax?
Sales & Use Tax (“Sales Tax”) will be charged by applicable US states to customers who purchase from us. We are required by law to collect Sales Tax in those states. You will see the Sales Tax applied to your order once you confirm your shipping details and proceed to checkout.
2.How is Sales & Use Tax calculated?
Sales Tax is calculated on the net total merchandise value after all applicable discounts have been applied. Total taxes may also include taxes charged on the delivery and shipping fees (if taxable in your state).
Sales Tax charged on your order will be displayed at the checkout stage.
3.Will Sales & Use Tax be refundable?
In case of returns and/or refunds, the appropriate Sales Tax will also be refunded.
If we still haven't answered your question, please contact us:
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